
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Episode 12: Matchup Analysis 3 - Watch out for those Wrist Rockets!
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Boba Fett?!? Where?!?
In this Episode, join Isaac as he brings on guest host Kyle Bossom, recent IACP Vassal Regional 2020 Champion! Kyle stormed his way to the top of the March Vassal Regional, replacing the Adepticon Tournament as the convention was cancelled. Without faltering, he piloted an Imperial Vehicles list comprising of Boba Fett and Jet Troopers to the top of the leaderboard, and joins us today to explain how he runs the flying monstrosity known as the Fett! With a ton of unique abilities, Fett is a very promising, powerful, and interesting figure, and as usual, Kyle's brain is an absolute goldmine to pick for information. Hope you enjoy!
Notes from news:
IACP Reddit
Results for Season 3 Celebration Tournament
Change to the IACP season structure

Monday May 18, 2020
Episode 11: Knowledge and Defense 3 - Meta (Part 2)
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
In this episode Jessica and David are joined by double Canadians, Derek Martens and Alistair Scott, for an in depth discussion of the past, present, and future meta for Imperial Assault!
Links discussed in the news segment:
Table Top Simulator mod updated with many improvements. Now you can paste the TabletopAdmiral link into a tool on the table to spawn your army in 1 click!
Our last episode has started a discussion about organised play formats, and how IACP approved will work going forward.
Season 3 Celebration Tournament Recaps

Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Episode 10: Knowledge and Defense 3 - Meta (Part 1)
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
David and Tom walk us through an in depth discussion about what is a meta? This is going to be a two part series. In this first segment we discuss what the term meta means and how it relates to Imperial Assault.
Links to news:
IACP event signups:
Season 3 Playtest League #3 (starting May 4th)
Season 3 Celebration Tournament (Saturday May 16th starting at 9AM EDT)
IACP Playtest Survey
IACP version 3.2 is now on Vassal. You can download the new version of the mod here:
Table Top Simulator mod updated with IACP v3.2 and on screen activation/hp tracker!
IABuilder v1.0.18 updated with IACP v3.2 and bug fixes related to new cards!

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Episode 9: The Future of IACP
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Hello again dear listeners!
We are in some tumultuous times but rest assured all of us here on the Built on Hope team are doing well and no, Jessica is not annoyed by having to work at home with David singing all the time, no, not at all... Just kidding! We are doing well and enjoying the time together.
Isaac was unfortunately too busy with schoolwork to be on this episode but instead we have on extra special guest Chris Emmick to talk to us about how IACP is going so far, what the process is like developing each wave and the future of IACP.

Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Episode 8: Harlow Regional Recap
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Congratulations to newest UK regional champ Alistair!
Join Jessica and David on this episode with EXTRA special guests Alistair Scott and Tom Parish to discuss their battle to the final at the Harlow Regional.
Link to the new IA Builder!

Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Episode 7: Matchup Analysis 2 - Vader, Join us on the Dark Side!
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Ever wanted to try playing a list with the iconic Darth Vader yourself? The look no further!
Join us for this episode for an in depth analysis on the different variants of Vader lists, map tactics, matchups, and imperial shenanigans with your hosts Isaac and Jess and special guest and long time Vader player of Zion's Finest fame, Scott Nielsen!

Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Zion's Finest: Episode 115 - Mattistyping (His Way To Victory!)
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Someone got lucky in Vegas. That someone is the one who I thought never got lucky. No I'm not speaking in euphemisms. I have seen Matthew Scott Richards roll dice. He is very bad at rolling things that are not garbage.
Fortunately, not only did Matt get lucky, but he leveraged his brain power in order to secure the final Nationals win for IA at the recent Las Vegas Open.
In this episode, Matt and I break down why the double Pirates list is so good, how we think it fares against everything else, and what we think we would do to change it for Worlds.

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Zion's Finest: Episode 114 - Meatbags Will Die
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
There is a Droid deployment card for Scum that is capable of winning tournaments. No, it's not IG. That fellow had his time in the sun but all he's left to do is be a nurse to Baby Yoda and wish that Thrawn and Cats weren't around to ruin his day. No, it's not BT. That fellow ... well, he was never very good (sorry Joey).
Back in the day, oh so many years ago, there was a list that had this unit which was the terror of the meta. The unit could reliably hit a figure from 7-10 spaces away, they could be focused, and they could force white die to reroll dodges. The naysayers among you might say, "Aren't you just describing Weequay Pirates?" Well, no, I'm not, because this unit can't play the best card in the game, which is On the Lam.
And yet, he persisted. David from the Michigan Mandalorians took down BRIAN MARKS' Jamal Heroes list TWICE to win a recent regional. I know. I literally could not believe it. But David knows his stuff, so beware the ... oh boy ... HKs.
Make sure to pay attention to my review of the next few weeks for closing up shop. I LOVE YOU ALL.

Saturday Jan 18, 2020
Episode 6: IACP Season 3 First Impressions
Saturday Jan 18, 2020
Saturday Jan 18, 2020
The much anticipated IACP Season 3 has arrived! We hope you are as excited about it as we are!
In this episode we discuss the brand new cards and changes in Season 3 and our first impressions of the wave. Just as a note; although Isaac is a member of the IACP committee, all of the opinions expressed in this episode are completely our own and do not represent the official views of the IACP committee as a whole.
Join us for some spicy opinions on Season 3!

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Episode 5: IACP UK Regional Recap!
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
After the news that Adepticon will be the last FFG OP event for Imperial Assault, many of us are wondering what the future holds.
Well it's not all bad news! IACP in the UK scene is thriving and shows a lot of promise for keeping the community going. Join us for a recap of the IACP Regional in Milton Keynes from the players themselves!
In this episode we don't have just one guest but many! We conducted a myriad of interviews before, during, and after to hear from a variety of players what their experience was like. Congratulations to Sam Whitaker (spoiler alert) for his IACP regional win!